You’ll Be Needing Stitches

So yea. I don't know what to write about right now. I'm a total frazzle for reasons that are not domestically wise to address here, on top of the whole MFA application thing, which involves epic levels of writing and hand-wringing, and subjective scrutiny. But here we are. What I am focusing on right now is the fact that I bo...

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Fixed Form Poems

I've occasion to need a few new poems in relatively short time. I've found that when there is a time crunch, having the help of the rules of a fixed form help me reign in all the wild options that my brain immediately spins out of control with. Though sonnets, pantoums and villanelles are go-tos for me (I do love me a good Spenserian sonnet!), I wo...

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Testimonial: Refraction Cycle

This review of Refraction Cycle by an early reader just hit the inbox, and I couldn't possibly be more honored and humbled by his words. I am glad that my work resonated so profoundly. "Cleverly crafted and emotionally raw, Christopher Capri’s Refraction Cycle is a complex but necessary journey through abuse, discovery, and self-acceptance. Capri ...

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Review: Fog, Jeff Mann

Jeff Mann, Fog. In yet another example of the universe having a plan for things, I came to Fog through a circuitous route. I had purchased and read Jeff Mann's poetry collection, Bones Washed With Wine, years ago when I was in a particular theme of poetry by gay writers who di...

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