Anything but This Thing

So, updating this blog is clearly not a strong area of mine.  I even have it set as a reminder in my task management software, but compared to all the other things I have scheduled, it always seems the easiest to bump to another day.  With so many generative balls in the area lately, one that is summary-ish really doesn't feel like it comes in firs...

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“Midsummer Night” in Drip Literary Magazine

I had been planning to come here and grump about getting this site shaped up, and to complain about school assignments I don't like, and to vent about how frustrating it is to reformat your computer and have to reinstall everything and get all your files and settings just so again.  I could have whined about how just so far, this June is more wet, ...

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Irreverent Elocutions 05

Irreverent Elocutions: Bibliophilic Besties Banter 05. Short Take: Updates, Cinderella, and Size Does Matter In this Short Takes episode, we catch up on our reading adventures, achieve unintentional hilarity, and lay out how we rate books.

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Run Through the Tape

While it isn’t quite that literal, and really more of a mile-marker than a finish line, I’m feeling an incredible sense of accomplishment in completing and sending out my MFA program application packet yesterday. There’s still getting accepted, sorting out the financials, and, of course, completing the program. Then there’s publication, etc. No...

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Weekend Workhorse

Sometimes it is the smallest thing that can cause a breakthrough. This weekend, I had a minor epiphany regarding a turn of phrase I had been struggling with for "Ophelius Arrested" and suddenly I was thrown into the creative effluvium vortex. As per my process, I got my chicken scratch version down.

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Irreverent Elocutions 04

Irreverent Elocutions: Bibliophilic Besties Banter 04. We Go Off the Leash The fourth episode brings our listeners a story about Chris’ neighbor’s odd behavior, our “Currently Reading” highs and lows, tips on how to write in the shower, Carlos fan-boying, Chris going on an oratorical rant, and discovering new listeners.   https://o...

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So, I don’t experience writer’s block. That’s not bragging, I just approach it differently. If I’m in a writing mode, but I’m not feeling the juju for the project I’m supposed to be working on, I just write, well, anything else. Writing is never a waste, even if the words don’t end up in the final product. And often, getting whatever it was that wa...

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Progress in the Works

I thought I’d talk a bit about my process for crafting a new poem, since, well, I’m right in the middle of it. Nearly always, my poems begin with a nebulous thematic concept, or a particular word or phrase which I wish to feature, or both. Next, I settle on a form which will b...

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