Irreverent Elocutions: Bibliophilic Besties Banter
Episode 02. The One Where We Bury George Martin
In this episode, we start out with a little Q&A back and forth, but quickly...
I've occasion to need a few new poems in relatively short time. I've found that when there is a time crunch, having the help of the rules of a fixed form help me reign in all the wild options that my brain immediately spins out of control with. Though sonnets, pantoums and villanelles are go-tos for me (I do love me a good Spenserian sonnet!), I wo...
Now, I have a lot of strong opinions regarding the differences in the experience as a gay man reading M/M romance written by a straight woman versus a gay man, and I am planning an in-depth post on that when I have the time and wherewithal to articulate myself sufficiently mindfully. But I am compelled to jump ahead and focus on something more spec...
While working on Refraction Cycle, I wanted to include a variety of free-form and fixed-form poems, and while the rules of things like the Spenserian sonnet are second nature, things like the pantoum and villanelle took some practice. I've also learned that practicing and experimenting with the actual material I intend for the poem is what experts ...
Peter Styles. Worth Trying, Worth His Salt, Worth Wanting, Worth the Payne, Worth a Shot.
So, I've read rather a lot of this author's books. There was a time when I used to routinely check for new releases. For a while there seemed to be a lapse, and I stopped checking. This ...