Coming Soon
Refraction Cycle
In Refraction Cycle, a 40-something moderately-emotionally-stable, quasi-successful artist reflects on life as a gay child and teenager in the 80s and 90s through poetry. Touching on issues of abandonment, love, abuse and assault, loss, and self-discovery, nothing is off the table in this emotional reflection.

Coming Soon
Synchronicity is a modern slice-of-life gay fiction with overarching themes of establishing one’s identity in the larger world, as well as in gay culture, overcoming trauma, and romance. The story unfolds in first person through the eyes of the three main characters, as well as their love interests.
Individual Publications
-“Bark” Iceblink Literary Magazine – December 2023
-“Denim Redux” Dreamland Anthology, Fifth Wheel Press – September 2023
-"Circumscription" The Whisky Blot –August 2023
-"Heredity" Graphic Violence – August 2023
-“Midsummer Night” Drip Literary Magazine Issue #3: Pride – June 2023
-"Infinite Instant" (second publication) Velvet & Leather Volume 14 – 2011
-"The Role of the Fool as Both a Character and Plot Device in 'King Lear'" The Vanguard - New Hampshire Community Technical College 2004-2005
-"Them" (second publication) The Vanguard - New Hampshire Community Technical College 2004-2005
-"Peeing with Panache" The Vanguard - New Hampshire Community Technical College 2004-2005
-"Tidal Ebb" The Vanguard - New Hampshire Community Technical College 2004-2005
-"Infinite Instant" The Vanguard - New Hampshire Community Technical College 2004-2005
-"Nightmares" The Apprentice Writer - Susquehanna University 1995
-"Them" The Apprentice Writer - Susquehanna University 1995